An outright gift of cash by a donor, for which the donor receives an income tax
deduction as prescribed by current laws in India and US. Pledging your gift over
a three-year to five-year period may allow you to make a more substantial gift while
giving you the opportunity to adjust the timing and amount of each payment to achieve
the most beneficial tax treatment.
Gifts of Tangible Property
Many types of new and used equipment can be considered gifts of tangible property
when the Sathya Sadhana Foundation uses a donated asset, such as a computer system,
furniture. Acceptance of tangible property gifts is at the discretion of the SSF
Finance Committe.
Tribute Memorial
Honoring a loved one through charitable gifts is often an especially meaningful
act of paying tribute to someone special, while assuring that worthwhile values
continue to influence the world around us. You may thoughtfully remember a loved
one with gifts of cash or property. Gifts can be made in honor of family members
and friends who are alive or those who have passed on. Birthdays and anniversaries
are just a few suggestions.
Commemorative Naming Opportunities
Donors to the SSF are investing in the future of elderly health care in our communities.
Commemorative Naming Opportunities offer a donor the chance to become a part of
the history and next generation of this great health care system.
To commemorate gifts and honor donors, SSF offers naming opportunities for financial
commitments of $20,000 or more for patient rooms, nurse stations, departments, etc.
Appropriate recognition may include specially designed plaques and dedication ceremonies
showing donor names and, in many cases, inscriptions honoring loved ones or marking
the occasion.
Bequests are a simple way to make a planned gift by including Sathya Sadhana
Foundation in a will.
Endowed giftsare a meaningful way to make a gift in your name or in the name
of a loved one in perpetuity.
Gifts of real estate also offer a variety of tax and other benefits.
Gifts of retirement plans (IRA, 401(k), 403(b), etc.)may enable you to make
larger gifts than anticipated because of income and estate tax benefits when they
name Sathya Sadhana Foundation as a primary or contingent beneficiary.
Gift pledgesprovide you with the ability to make regular gift payments over time with each payment eligible for an income-tax charitable deduction.
We would be pleased to meet with you and your advisors to explore the benefits of the above gifts. Please contact us