- Health Programs
- School Health Screening programs
- Community Comprehensive health screening programs
- Subsidized Adult Immunization Program
- Clinics/Camps
- Osteoporosis Clinics
- Geriatric Clinic
- Rural Clinics
- Diabetic Camps
- Thyroid Camps
- Monthly Osteoporosis detection Camps
- Social Activities for the needy
- Scholarships for the poor students
- Donations to Schools and Orphanages
- Medical help during natural disasters
- Monetary assistance during natural disaster like rehabilitation of Tungabhadra flood
victims in 2009s
- Medical treatment for the needy
- VIJAYA ELDERS HEALTH CARE CENTER" is about to be grounded.
Under the Aegis of Geriatric Society of India we conducted the 13th Annual National
Conference (Oct 31st-Nov 1st 2009) which was largely attended by persons of eminence
in Geriatric Medicine and other related professions. This conference was inaugurated
by the then Honourable Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh Sri. K Rosaish Garu.
Link to Photo Gallery of various SSF Activities
13th Annual National Conference
Community Health Screening Camp team in Karthal